Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Van Cliburn

Van Cliburn's recordings on Grooveshark.

Van Cliburn died today; may he rest in peace.
Thank You, Lord, for Van Cliburn.  I enjoyed his artistry and inspiration growing up.
He was probably most famous for his concerto playing, but I especially enjoyed being introduced to Chopin through his recordings.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Cave Of Adullum

Sara Groves' "Cave of Adullum" on Grooveshark.  I REALLY like Sara Groves' voice.  This is how I would want to sound if I could sing! :)  Also, her song-writing is amazingly relevant.  And if I hadn't mentioned it lately: I really like Grooveshark; they offer great features; check it out!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Mancini's Panther

Today I'm letting Mancini's Pink Panther accompany my blog writing.  Here's a link to the album on Amazon: